Social add-on
The social add-on puts social share icons in the corner of the shadowbox, enabling your visitors to quickly share your page to social networks.
The social add-on is available at
You can install the add-on in the same way you would install any other Joomla extension. Once installed, it self enables and so all available share icons will be shown.
Note that you must have the latest version of RC Justified Gallery plugin installed AND be using the default shadowbox (note that if you have upgraded from an old version of RC Justified Gallery, you may still be using the old default shadowbox and not realise it. You can change this from the settings). If you don’t meet the above criteria, this add-on will install fine, but it won’t run. A notice will appear in the JavaScript console to remind you of this.
Settings for the social add-on are extremely simple. Just choose the buttons you want to display, and what order they should show in.